Hét MBO en
voor statushouders


Ons aanbod
Start in juni 2021 en behaal je inburgeringsdiploma, je mbo-diploma en een baan binnen 1 jaar.
Join us to build your own Mpire!

Why Impire
Personal and caring
iMpire Opportunity Center is a socially involved organization. Our goal is to help asylum seekers build their lives in the Netherlands. We do this by guiding you from beginning to end with a course and a job that really fits your needs.
Aknowledged institute
We are accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture en Science. We also have the Blik op werk quality mark.
Job preparation
One of the things you need in order to build your life is work. We help you to enter the labor market.Your ambitions and possibilities is our drive. We look for the employer and the work that suit you.
Multiple locations & startdates
We have several locations throughout the Netherlands. There is always a location near you where you can start quickly.